Banning pet cats from roaming to save native animals
Cat roaming outdoors helps save native animals stops exposing your cats to car accidents, dog attacks, infections and injuries from cat fights and diseases.
Article: ABC News

ACT Government introduces new cat laws
The ACT Government has introduced new legislation that it claims will help Canberra’s cats live longer and healthier lives, while better protecting native wildlife.

Stellar Magazine with Barry Du Bois
The cat’s out of the bag.…and in the kitchen, on the bed, the couch and the rug.
Here are some tips on how to make your home a more feline-friendly place to live – for all involved.
Article: Stellar Magazine

The Today Show: Pet rules you might not be aware of
From controlling your dog to keeping cats indoors, Dr Katrina Warren explains fines you might not know about
Video: The Today Show

Ben Fordham: How to keep your cat indoors to stop them killing native wildlife
Australians are being encouraged to keep their cats indoors to protect native wildlife.

Cats could be BANNED from going outside under new rules in Australia - here's what pet owners need to know
A nationwide crackdown on cats has edged closer after a new study found they are killing billions of Australian native animals each year.
Research has found every single feral cat slaughters more than 740 local wildlife creatures annually, but even pet cats can each kill 180 on average every year, vastly up from previous estimates of just 75 a year.
Nationwide, every day three million mammals, two million reptiles and one million marsupials are dying from feral and pet cat attacks.
Article: Daily Mail

Living with wildlife: Domestic Pets
Australians are animal lovers, with many homes having domestic pets. Domestic pets are important companions in our lives but also have the potential to harm native animals. Every pet deserves a safe home where it is loved, cared for, and kept free from hazards, however, extra considerations can be taken to care for our native animals as well.
Blog Post: Wires

Wires.org.au Partnership
Catnets is a proud partner of WIRES, and is dedicated to helping support WIRES mission to actively rehabilitate & preserve Australian wildlife.
By purchasing a Catnets Classic or Premium Portable Cat Enclosure, you will not only be keeping your cat and Australian wildlife safe, you will also be helping with the rehabilitation of native species, including joey kangaroos and other endangered Australian wildlife.
For every Premium or Classic Portable Cat Enclosure sold during the month of September, Catnets will donate $10 to WIRES.

International Cat Day
As a cat owner, you would understand just how rewarding a relationship with a cat can be. Whether you are lucky enough to spend all day with your cat, or are welcomed home every night by your affectionate and loving companion, the positive impact cats have on our lives is undeniable.

Catnets make cat containment easy
A scaredy-cat no more! Your cat may have just earnt itself some extra lives with ACT’s new plan for cat containment. From 1 July 2022, all new cats across all suburbs of the ACT will need to be contained at all times.
The ACT Cat Plan 2021-2031 has been developed in consultation with the community and key environmental groups, to reduce the risk to native wildlife and for improved safety and wellbeing of pet cats.
Article: Canberra Weekly

Councils to introduce cat curfews to limit prowling at night
Across Australia, the days of free-roaming, free-loving, outdoor pet cats are coming to an end. Councils are introducing cat curfews and other initiatives to limit prowling and reduce the number of native animals and birds they kill.
Article: Sydney Morning Herald

Catio: the latest must-have for pets and their owners
As councils crack down on wandering cats, pet owners are seeking imaginative ways to keep their animals engaged and playing by the rules and vulnerable native wildlife safe.
Enter the catio.
Article: Daily Telegraph

Cats and foxes kill almost 7 million animals every day in Australia
Kylie McKendry loves cats, but she doesn’t want her six-year-old pet Marla to bring home any injured or dead wildlife. Instead, she installed an outdoor enclosure.

Safety First – The benefits of containing your cat
New regulations are being introduced by local councils around Australia in an effort to stop cats roaming and protect native wildlife. With some councils introducing curfews and hefty fines, many cat-lovers are looking at ways to contain their beloved pets and prevent harm coming to birds and other animals. There are many options available when it comes to cat containment from building a cat enclosure to installing cat-proof fencing or enclosing a balcony area to create a ‘catio’, there are solutions to suit every cat owner’s needs.
Article: Go55s

Catnets is a proud sponsor of Vetfest 2021.
The Australian Veterinary Association – providing a united voice for the veterinary profession for over 100 years.
The Australian Veterinary Association – providing a united voice for the veterinary profession for over 100 years. Today, representing more than 8,500 members, we are committed to championing and empowering the veterinary profession to thrive by providing a voice, education, community and support.
Website: Vetfest