Preparing your Cat for spring with these 8 tips

With the arrival of spring, cats start to be more active and with more energy.

Temperatures are becoming more pleasant and the sun is gradually beginning to take center stage. However, we have to pay attention to the risks of the season in cats because whether you live in the countryside or in the city, this natural transition can have some effects on your feline companion.

In this post, we tell you how to care for and prepare your cat for spring.

Preparing your Cat for spring!


1. Keep your cat's water fresh

With spring he will spend more time active, so you will notice that he drinks more water.

Don't forget to keep plenty of water in several strategic points of the house and protected from the sun, because if the water is not at the optimal temperature, the cat simply won't drink.

If you want to know if your cat is dehydrated just do this trick.

Gently pinch the skin on the back of his neck and see if the skin returns to its place in a few seconds or if it stays where you left it.

The elasticity of the skin is related to hydration. In other words, the skin should return to its place quickly.

If your cat does not usually drink a lot of water, consider giving him wet food, since it has a large amount of water and will also help him to stay hydrated during this time.


2. Watch the windows

Prepare your cat for spring and warm weather.

In spring, the heat begins, and to try to keep cool in our homes we open the windows that were previously closed. But you must be careful as this poses a danger to cats.

Cats by their animal instinct, regardless of age or what they are used to doing at home, like to go outside and jump to high places like furniture or windows.


3. Beware of allergies

Just as it happens to us, cats can suffer from allergies, so be aware of possible allergic reactions. This season is also full of dust mites and other allergens that can cause your cat to suffer from sneezing or rashes.

 The main symptoms are sneezing, coughing, itching, reddening of the skin, scaling, inflammation and in some cases there may be hair loss, these symptoms will get worse if you let them scratch. 

There are many factors that can produce allergies, for example it is common for them to use plants to purge themselves or simply to play.

Prepare your cat for spring by preventing these plants

Chrysanthemums: contain toxins that can cause severe poisoning.

Lily: due to its content of glucosides, causes vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and dizziness.

Saffron flowers: they are dangerous for young and pregnant cats, as they can induce labor.

Easter lilies: are harmful to cats, exposure to pollen can have serious consequences.

Tulips: Exposure to tulips, no matter how small, can be extremely toxic to cats.


4. New season, new coat!

As you move from a colder season to a warmer one, your cat sheds its winter coat to shed a finer coat for the summer. So it will be normal to see all the corners of the house full of hair.

For this reason, whether your cat has long or short hair, it is important to brush it daily, this way we will be able to remove the dead hair and help your cat to feel fresher.

But don't cut the hair! By cutting it, we could cause him to suffer more heat and even sunburn. It is better to brush your cat two or three times a day if he has long hair, and once or twice every 24 hours if he has short hair.


5. Increased hours of sunshine

Cats love to relax and sleep in the sun. Even so, make sure your kitty is not in direct contact with the sun for too many hours, as this could cause heat stroke.

If your cat is accustomed to being outdoors, you should limit the hours when your cat should be out of the house when the heat is less intense.


6. Feeding

His diet will need to change a little, as more activity and energy will make your cat hungrier and thirstier.

So don't be surprised if you find yourself refilling the food and water bowl more often.

It is important to watch if he is more anxious when eating or drinking, in that case, go to the veterinarian to rule out any other anomaly.


7. Fleas, ticks and more

The warm spring environment favors the appearance of parasites, such as mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, which can attach themselves to your cat's fur and can cause anemia, dermatitis or the spread of other microbes.

You should also be informed about the leishmaniosis disease, which is more frequent during this season, due to the increase of the mosquitoes that carry it, the phlebotomine sandflies, and can become a big problem.

In the case of cats, they tend to develop this disease with the bite of the insect if they have low defenses.

Prepare your cat for spring parasites by preventing them, it is advisable to use insect repellent collars, mosquito nets on windows and doors or some kind of repellent to avoid the contact of these insects with your cat.

These risks are present even if your cat does not leave the house, so it is necessary to examine more frequently its skin and coat to detect in time any parasite or health problem and protect it with antiparasitic products, in addition to following the internal deworming schedule recommended by your veterinarian.


8. Beware of cats in heat

Spring brings out the most basic reproductive instincts in most cats.

As the days lengthen, female cats, which are seasonal polyestrous, begin to come into heat when they are not neutered, and attract males who are not neutered, males become aggressive or anxious during the heat phase.

All this ends up causing escapes, risk of being run over, fights, and a multitude of unwanted pregnancies.

 At this time of the year we must be responsible, so if your kitten has not been spayed or neutered, it is the perfect time to plan when to do it.


Now your cat is ready for spring!

By taking these tips into account, you can prepare your cat for spring, which will positively affect the quality of his coat, skin and many other health benefits.

In an environment ready to relax and enjoy all that the new season has to offer, you will have an energetic, healthy and happy cat.